Calling All Authors

calling all authors.
(yes, you!)
want to be a part of something fun?
help write the story.
i used to do this exercise with family to help improve our writing and just to get our creative juices flowing. i'd write a sentence, then have someone else write the next line. we'd keep passing this around to whoever was home, and in the end we'd have this fabulous (and sometimes hilariousstory. nobody gets to see the story as it is being written, ONLY the previous sentence. sometimes i'd give a theme to start with (for example: a christmas story) or i'll start with a title, or sometimes i'll just start with the first line and see where the story ends up.

i tried it once among facebook friends, and it was a i thought i'd try it out here. if you are interested in writing the next line, let me know!

so, basically, i'll send you a line and you'll reply back with the next sentence, expression, phrase, etc.
one sentence, one phrase, it's that easy! you don't have to THINK about the story, just write the next line.
in the end, i'll post the story here for everyone to read.

make sure to leave me the best (fastest) way to reach you (email, twitter, facebook, instagram DM, etc...) so that i can keep the story moving. depending on how many people we get,
i may hit you up several times for a line.

you can email me here, too!

join in, it's really fun!

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