Learn Hawaiian

Aloha kakou! E komo mai!

Here you'll find all the Hawaiian words and phrases that we learn on my weekday morning periscopes.

There are two important diacritical markings in the Hawaiian language that can change the meaning of a word. (My laptop does not have the Hawaiian keyboard).
 - The 'okina (a backwards apostrophe) is a glottal stop...a break in the pronounciation:
   kai (kye) vs. ka'i (ka-ee)
 - The kakakŌ is a macron which elongates the sound of the vowel it is over.
  1. mauka | towards the mountain, upward
    makai | towards the ocean, seaward
    example: Head mauka on Queen street for half a mile.
  2. Hau'oli la hanau | Happy Birthday
    hau'oli (happy, glad, joy)
    la (day, date)
    hanau (to give birth, lay an egg)
  3. E komo mai | come in, enter (welcome!)
    E kipa mai | come visit
  4. maika'i good
    ho'omaika'i congratulations
  5. malama take care of
    example: E malama pono (take good care)
    Malama ka aina. (take care of the land)
  6. pau ka hana | work is finished, quitting time, after work
    pau (done, finished)
    ka (is)
    hana (work)
    example: What time you pau work? Let's meet up for pau hana drinks!
  7. kuleana | right, privilege, responsibility
    It's our kuleana as Hawaiians to preserve the culture and perpetuate the language.
  8. family | ohana
    ne | man
    wahine | woman
    keiki | child
    kupuna/kūpuna | grandparent/grandparents
  9. O wai kou inoa? | What is your name?
    O [name] ko'u inoa. | My name is [_____].
    example: O Rebecca ko'u inoa.
  10. No hea mai 'oe? | Where are you from?
    No [ Hawai'i ] mai au. | I am from Hawaii.
  11. E kala mai ia'u | Excuse me, pardon me, i'm sorry
    kala mai (informal)
  12. Aloha Kakahiaka | Good morning
    Aloha 'Auniala | Good afternoon
    Aloha Ahiahi | Good evening
  13. 'ae | yes
    'a'ole | no
    'a'ole maika'i | no good
    example: Are you ready for the weekend? 'Ae!
    example: Are you ready for Monday? 'A'ole!
  14. 'a'ole pilikia | no problem
    example: (in response to someone who says, "Mahalo for helping us tonite!")
                  'A'ole pilikia...it was the least I could do!
  15. E pule kakou | Let's pray
  16. kumu | teacher
    haumana/haumāna | student/students
    example: Both kumu and haumāna will be on vacation next week.
  17. hānai | to raise, nourish, sustain; also foster child, adopted
    hānai holoholona | to care for domestic animals
    example: Kimo is our hanai son.
    example: The Smiths are my hanai family; they raised me since I was five.
  18. hāpai | to be pregnant, to carry
    example: Did you hear? Lani is hapai again!
  19. alaka'i | lead, leader
    example: John will be our alaka'i for today's excursion.
  20. hō'ike | show, exhibit
    example: Tomorrow we'll be setting up the stage for hō'ike.
    example: Many haumāna will be performing in this afternoon's hō'ike.
  21. hana hou | one more time, encore, repeat again
    example: after the last song at a concert, one might say, "hana hou!"
  22. makua/
    ākua | parent/parents
    makuahine | mother
    makuakane | father
  23. kama'aina | long time resident, familiar with area, host
    malihini | visitor, newcomer
    example: During our stay in Hawaii, the kama'aina were very welcoming to the malihini.

  24. (1) 'ekahi
    (2) 'elua
    (3) 'ekolu
    (4) 'ehā
  25. (5) 'elima
    (6) 'eono
    (7) 'ehuku
    (8) 'ewalu
  26. (9) 'eiwa
    (10) 'umi
    (0) 'ole
  27. I hopena pule maika'i | Have a good weekend!

  28. po'akahiMonday
  29. po'alua | Tuesday
  30. po'akolu | Wednesday
  31. po'aha | Thursday
    po'alima | Friday
    po'aono | Saturday
  32. pehea 'oe? | how are you? (singular)
    pehea oukou? | how are you? (plural)
    response: Maika'i no, mahalo. (I'm good, thanks.)
  33. mahina | moon

    PARTS OF THE BODY - watch video here
  34. po'o | head
  35. maka | eyes
  36. ihu | nose
    waha | mouth
  37. pepeiao | ear
  38. lima | hand
    manamana lima | fingers
  39. kuli | knees
  40. wawae | feet
    manamana wawae | toes
  41. [me ku'u] po'ohiwi | shoulders
  42. piko | belly button
  43. ha'awina | lesson
    example: Last week's ha'awina was learning body parts.
  44. akamai | smart
  45. hele | go, move
  46. kōkua | help
    example: I need your kōkua with this weekend's fundraiser.
  47. ikaika | strong
    example: The men in my family are ikaika.
  48. ku'uipo | sweetheart
    example: I can't wait to get home and spend time with my ku'uipo.
  49. kapu | forbidden, do not enter
    example: The third floor of this building is kapu.
  50. pupu | snack, appetizer
    example: After work, let's grab some pau hana drinks and pupus and that new restaurant.
  51. hale | house
    example: Come over to my hale for some pupus after work.
  52. Happy New Year | Hau'oli Makahiki Hou
  53. Ianuali | January

  54. nai'a| dolphin
  55. honu | turtle
  56. 'ilio | dog
  57. 'opae | shrimp
  58. popoki | cat
  59. manō | shark
  60. pua'a | pig
  61. manu | bird
  62. mo'o | lizard
  63. pueo | owl
  64. lio | horse
  65. i'a | fish

  66. 'ula'ula | red
  67. melemele | yellow
  68. oma'oma'o | green
  69. uliuli | blue
    ke'oke'o | white
    'ele'ele | black
    poni | purple
  70. 'alani | orange

  71. mino'aka | smile
  72. 'aka'aka | laugh
  73. 'ue (kahako over the 'e') | cry
    example: mai 'uwe 'oe (don't cry)
  74. maluhiluhi | tired
    example: Maluhiluhi au. (I'm tired)
  75. huhu (kahako over the second 'u')| angry, to be mad

  76. wailele | waterfall
  77. mauna | mountain
  78. kumulā'au | tree
  79. ahi | fire
  80. ao | clouds

  81. pili | bet
  82. piliwaiwai | gamble
  83. hōkele | hotel
  84. mokulele | airplane
  85. ha'upoho | parchute
  86. ho'oku'i | crash
  87. pailaka pilot

  88. Pehea 'oe? | How are you?
  89. maluhiluhi au. | I'm tired.
  90. pōloli au. | i'm hungry.
  91. maika'i no, mahalo. | i'm good, thanks.
  92. make wai au | i'm thirsty.

    _______ + ka (the) + wahine (woman)
    The woman is ________.
  93. u'i | pretty/beautiful (used when describing people)
  94. nani | pretty/beautiful (used when describing objects)
  95. pupuka | ugly
  96. pōkole | short
  97. lō'ihi | tall
  98. ikaika | strong
  99. ha'aheo | proud
  100. akamai | smart
  101. moloa | lazy
  102. palaoa palai | pancake
  103. lokomaika'i | generous
  104. ho'oma'ama'a | practice
  105. moe | sleepmoe'uhane | dream
  106. moehewa | nightmare
  107. pilikua nui | monster
  108. lua | bathroom-toilet
  109. lehua kahiki | clover
  110. hele wāwae mamao | hike
  111. 'au | swim
    'au'au | bathe
  112. 'ai | eat
    mea 'ai | food
  113. nanea | interesting, leisure
    ho'onanea | relax, lounge, pass the time in leisure
  114. Hau'oli lā i ala hou ai ka haku | Happy Easter
    literal meaning: the day of the rising of the lord
  115. hua | egg
  116. 'auhau| tax
    luna 'auhau | tax collector
    hale 'auhau | tax building

  117. loina | customs, traditions, the way we do things
  118. makana | gift (inexpensive, bought)
  119. ho'okupu | ceremonial gift, offering (mele/song), much thought goes into presenting the offering

  120. Mei | May (month)
  121. lei | garland, wreath, necklace of flowers
  122. haku lei | braid, compose, arrange
  123. 'aihuethief, steal
  124. kope | coffee
  125. kalima | cream
  126. makani pāhili | hurricane
  127. wai hālana | flood
  128. Hau'oli lā makuahine | Happy Mother's Day

  129. puka | graduation
  130. Ho'omaika'i 'Ana Ho'opuka | Congratulations Graduate!
  131. Kula Ki'e ki'e | high school
    kula | school
    ki'e ki'e | high, highest
  132. Kula nui | college
    nui | great
  133. palapala | diploma
    palapala puka | high school /graduation diploma
  134. kula kamali'i | preschool
  135. kekele | degree
    kekele laepua | bachelor's degree
    Memorial Day
  136. pā ilina | cemetery
  137. ku'ai ho'emi | reduction sales
  138. pā'ina | meal, dinner, small party with dinner
  139. make (mah-kay) | die, perish
  140. lānui | holiday

  141. kau wela | summer
  142. kawāu | humid, damp
  143. Iune (ee-you-nay)| June
  144. pōkole | short
  145. ho'olimalima | to rent
  146. paikikala | bicycle
  147. one (oh-nay) | sand
  148. holo| ride

  149. 'Amelika | America
  150. kaolele | fireworks
  151. ki'i'oni'oni | movie
    hale ki'i'oni'oni | movie theater
  152. wahine male hou | bride
  153. kāne male hou | groom
  154. male (mah-lay) | marriage, wedding
  155. mele | music (vocal, singing)
  156. hula | a dance
  157. kumu | purpose, reason
  158. uku | pay, wages
    uku hana | salary
  159. ho'omana'o | memory, to remember
  160. lolo | brain
  161. mo'ohelu | budget
  162. ka'aahi kau lewa | elevated train, monorail
  163. kikahō | interrupt rudely
  164. hoka | disappointed
  165. ho'oma'au | bully, torment
  166. 'ino | wicked, immoral, sinful
  167. ho'oma'ema'e | to cleanse, disinfect
  168. 'enehana | technology
  169. hele mai | come (in my direction)
  170. hele aku | go away
  171. 'olu'olu | cool
    ō'olu'olu | cool off
  172. kai 'olu'olu | cool water
  173. hele mai i ko'u hale | come to my house


  1. Did you know there is a Hawaiian keyboard in your iPhone6? Makes it easy to type the kahakō and ʻokina.
    Settings - General - Keyboard - Keyboards - Add new Keyboard - Hawaiian

    1. great, thanks, i'll check it out! now to find it on my laptop :)

  2. Hope this helps:



    1. thanks, bob! Unfortunatly, this older laptop doesn't have the option for Hawaiian keyboard!

  3. I love these! Learning about new cultures is my joy. I like your pride in yours.

  4. Welina e Rebecca, Pehea 'oe? Have you played Kahoot? We played it at one of our ʻōlelo workshops. It was great fun. Maybe you can figure out a why to play it with your Periscope followers?

    1. Maika'i no, mahalo! I've never played, but will check it out!
